Encourage, Jesus, Love
Unconditional Love
February 1, 2018 - Encourage, Jesus, Love
Beloved, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
– 1 John 4:7-8
On February 14th, people all over the country will be celebrating Valentines Day. Flowers will be bought, chocolates will be eaten, and colourful cards will be distributed. Although the holiday is often geared towards couples, Valentines Day is not limited to those in romantic relationships. Family, friends, and even co-workers can all participate in showing their love and appreciation for the people around them. No matter how it is celebrated, Valentines Day is meant to honour and commemorate love in all its forms. But what do you do when the people around you don’t feel loved?
For many individuals, Valentines day isn’t a time to celebrate. In fact, it can often bring up negative emotions such as loneliness, fear, and heartache. For the young woman who is praying for a husband and a family, Valentines Day may be a stark reminder of her singleness. For the co-worker who just lost his mother to cancer, Valentines Day may only intensify the hole in his heart. And for the elderly person whose children and loved ones are far away, Valentines Day may only draw attention to how lonely they feel.
As believers, the Scriptures assure us that God’s love for us is unconditional. But not everyone has this blessed assurance. As a result, Christians are in a unique position to demonstrate God’s love to the people around them. Showing love doesn’t need to be difficult or overly complicated. A genuine smile, a surprise visit, or even a home-cooked meal, can make a world of difference to someone in pain. 1 John 4:8 tells us that God doesn’t just demonstrate his love, but that he is love itself. When we choose to bless the people around us with simple acts of love, we literally become Jesus to them. We show them that they are not forgotten by us, and more importantly, that they are not forgotten by God.
Love is the driving force behind our faith. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son (John 3:16). And because God loves us so deeply, we too, can extend that love to the people around us. So regardless of your relationship status this Valentines Day, be assured of two things: First, that you are loved without measure by the God of the universe. And second, that any of act of love, no matter how small, does not go unnoticed. Choose to lavish someone with the love of God today and in doing so, you will both be blessed!